OmniLux Photodynamic Therapy Light Source
Blue LED Lamp
Revive (Red) Lamp
3 Patient Eyewear
Operators Manual
Power Cord
OmniLux Photodynamic Therapy Light Source, which entails the use of a photosensitizing topical medication in conjunction with exposure to red or blue light as a treatment for acne, can be quite an effective treatment.
This procedure is a good alternative to many acne treatments to include isotretinoin. Accutane and oral antibiotics. Some researchers have shown it to have similar effectiveness to these more traditional treatments. This type of treatment generally requires multiple sessions to achieve such results.
The advantages of Omnilux therapy
- Stimulates the bodies own cellular mechanisms by photomodulation
- Not a laser or an IPL so no heat, no side effects or downtime
- Non-invasive, non-ablative safe therapy
- No damage to sub-dermal tissue
- Relaxing and calming experience
- Allows treatment of large areas such as the face and chest
- Simple to operate
- Economically viable
Blue LED Lamp
Revive (Red) Lamp
3 Patient Eyewear
Operators Manual
Power Cord
The Importance of Your Light Source for Photodynamic Therapy
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been used for a variety of dermatologic conditions for many years. In the United States, PDT is considered an effective first-line therapy for treatment of skin with actinic keratoses (AK). PDT is a common therapeutic option in dermatology practices. The most commonly used photosensitizer is aminolevulinic acid (ALA). Sold under several different brand names worldwide and a variety of formulations, ALA, and variations/derivatives, is considered today’s safest and most effective PDT photosensitizing drug.
Mechanism of Action
Conventional PDT for the treatment of AKs, and in Europe basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and nonmelanoma skin cancer, involves the photoactivation of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX). This occurs after prodrug ALA application and uptake, PpIX selectively accumulates in the atypical, dysplastic, or malignant cells. Upon illumination, photoactivation and photobleaching of PpIX occurs, generating oxidative stress and free radical reactive oxygen species (ROS). This initiates inflammation and ensuing cytotoxicity, resulting in preferential apoptosis and necrosis of abnormal cells.
To generate a therapeutic effect, the spectral output of the light source should correspond to the excitation peaks of the photosensitizer. PpIX has 2 important therapeutic peaks, 404 to 420 nm in the violet-blue spectrum, and 633 nm in the red wavelength region. The depth of light penetration into the skin increases with longer wavelengths. Although blue light allows sufficient tissue penetration for the treatment of superficial AKs, red light penetrates much deeper into skin (up to 8-mm deep) and is more effective for the treatment of thicker lesions such as BCCs when combined with ALA.
Power:40 mW/cm2
Wavelength:415 nm
Treatment Time:20 Minutes
Lamp Type:LED
Weight: 12 Kg
Power:40 mW/cm2
Wavelength:633 nm
Treatment Time:20 Minutes
Lamp Type:LED
Weight:12 Kg
OmniLux Photodynamic Therapy Light Source
Power:30 mW/cm2
Wavelength:830 nm
Treatment Time:20 Minutes
Lamp Type:LED
Weight:12 Kg
LED (Light Emitted Diodes) Photodynamic Therapy Light Source
Omnilux BLUE Lamp
Omnilux blue has been specifically developed to target the naturally occurring photosensitiser, Coproporphyrin III, found in P.acnes bacteria. Omnilux blue is the most potent blue light source in activating the target photosensitiser, producing singlet oxygen that leads to rapid eradication of the P.acnes bacteria. The output of Omnilux blue is also optimised to activate the photosenstiser 5-aminolaevulinic acid and is therefore ideally suited for the treatment of Actinic keratosis. Omnilux blue delivers 40mW/cm2 48J/ cm2.
The clinician can control the area of illumination and can shape the light to the contour of the treatment area. Only this way can the entire treatment area receive the required dose of light for effective therapy.
Omnilux REVIVE (RED) Lamp
Omnilux revive at 633nm is proven to stimulate cellular mechanisms responsible for tissue repair and regeneration. OmniluxTM systems ensure that the right light dose is always delivered to the tissue, the right wavelength is always used to successfully activate the target cells or light reactive substrates and the right intensity is always used to prevent inefficient tissue response. The adjustable LED panels mean that the whole treatment area can be bathed in pure red light to maximize treatment outcome.
Omnilux plus utilises the core technology developed by Photo Therapeutics Ltd and can be delivered from a standard medical base unit using the interchangeable treatment head.
Omnilux plus is based on a matrix of Infra Red LEDs, which provide narrowband 830nm light. The individual LED cone angle and the spacing of the LEDs ensure uniformity of the beam for full coverage of the treatment area. For safety reasons, single LEDs of visible yellow light are located in the four corners of each array in order to determine if the head is lit.
Omnilux plus is used for the purpose of skin rejuvenation in combination with Omnilux revive and also for wound healing. Work is also being carried out on its use for the temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritis, muscle spasm, relieving stiffness, promoting the relaxation of muscle tissue and to temporarily increase local blood circulation where applied.
The clinician can control the area of illumination and can shape the light to the contour of the treatment area. Only this way can the entire treatment area receive the required dose of light for effective therapy.
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