Ward Photonics UltraSlim Professional Non-Invasive Diode Fat Reduction System


The patented UltraSlim® mechanism of action delivers a unique, high-powered red light, which tricks the adipocyte into responding as if it was a time of famine. The fat cell’s membrane is disrupted, resulting in temporary pores which allow the fat to escape.


Ward Photonics UltraSlim Professional Non-Invasive Diode Fat Reduction System, Real Patients, Real Results
UltraSlim® is the only noninvasive device that is FDA-cleared for immediate fat loss.
In multi-site clinical trials, patients lost an average of 1,580cc of fat in just 32 minutes (3.5″ combined waist, hips, and thighs), with 98% of patients losing at least two inches (see NCT02867150 at ClinicalTrials.gov).

UltraSlim® was FDA-cleared in 2015 and was invented in 2011 by Terry J. Ward, M.H.A., a fat loss provider in central Florida with a whole lot of problems.
At that time, he was using a fat reduction device that boasted patients would lose two inches, in three weeks, with seven office visits. “Patients got results but weren’t happy and did not come back for more treatments or refer other patients.”
Terry knew that if his business was going to survive, he would have to use a better machine.
However, all of the other fat loss devices that he considered shared disturbing side effects, terrible provider support, and patients had to wait 12-16 weeks before they saw even minimal results.
Terry resolved to make something better, a fat loss device and business model made by providers, for providers.

Ward Photonics UltraSlim Professional Non-Invasive Diode Fat Reduction System Science
The patented UltraSlim® mechanism of action delivers a unique, high-powered red light, which tricks the adipocyte into responding as if it was a time of famine. The fat cell’s membrane is disrupted, resulting in temporary pores which allow the fat to escape.

With UltraSlim®, patients lose the fat permanently through a natural bodily function known as “lipolysis.” The contents of the fat cells are excreted primarily in the patient’s waste, as part of the body’s natural detoxification.

UltraSlim® operates at a cellular level and does not generate heat as part of the mechanism of action, but is instead part of an extremely complex, cascading photochemical mechanism. UltraSlim® is rated as Risk Group 1 — the safest category of medical devices. Completely noninvasive, UltraSlim® has never shown any side effects and patients do not experience any discomfort.

Ward Photonics UltraSlim Professional Non-Invasive Diode Fat Reduction System Using the photonic energy of light, Ward Photonics creates the most powerful, innovative treatments for obesity, aesthetics, and dermatology. Our products use photobiomodulation as the mechanism of action to effect natural cellular response in the skin and fat, thereby reducing the amount of fat and improving the skin’s appearance. UltraSlim® is also indicated for the treatment of pain and inflammation.

Dieting and exercise are not required with UltraSlim®. For optimum results, hydration and shapewear are strongly recommended for the duration of the treatment plan and for two weeks thereafter.Ward Photonics UltraSlim Professional Non-Invasive Diode Fat Reduction System

Laser Type:Diode
Wavelength:635nm +/- 2nm
Output Intensity:105 mW/cm²
Standard Dose:50.4 or 126 J/cm²
Power Density:1600 mW per diode, with 150 light emitting diodes
Treatment Time:8 or 20 minutes
Treatment Area:56cm x 41cm (2,294cm²)
Interface:Tactile buttons, timer selec
Cooling:Forced air cooling
Electrical:300 W, 110Vac, 3A, 60Hz
Maximum Touch Voltage:0.046v
Dimensions:66” x 24.5” x 24”
Weight:115 lbs (52 kg) with carton
Maximum Incline:30° Without Tipping Over
Environment:+5°C to +35°C at 10% to 90% relative humidity
Maximum Spot Size:23” x 17”
Average Fat Loss/Visit: 3 1/2”, 1,580.2ml of fat
Minimum Fat Loss/Visit: 1 5/8”, 716.6ml of fat
Maximum Fat Loss/Visit:10”, 4,608.2ml of fat
UltraSlim® Professional
The Only Device For Instant Fat Reduction
UltraSlim® Professional is the only device for immediate non-invasive fat reduction. In multi-site clinical trials, all patients lost fat immediately — without dieting, exercise, drugs, or surgery. Patients lost an average of 1,580cc of fat in just 32 minutes (3.5″ combined waist, hips, and thighs), during the same visit! Every patient had clinically significant losses at each visit, ranging from 717cc to 4,608cc (1 5/8″ to 10″ from the waist, hips, and thighs).
In fact, patients had 40 times more fat loss with UltraSlim® than with old-fashioned fat freezers (see Lasers Surg Med. 2014 February; 46(2): 75–80. doi:10.1002/lsm.2220). Patients lost an average of 39.6cc after 8 weeks with CoolSculpting® compared to 1,580cc lost instantly with UltraSlim®.


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